Thursday, May 27, 2010

Finally allowed a voice?

"Geographically, it (the Crow Gliding Area) is a pretty important area for Hang Gliding. We'll certainly work with all the parties as much as we can to accomodate that (access)."
"We'll work with them with access as much as is appropriate..."
--Boise Mayor Dave Bieter, May 27 2010. Channel 7 news at six on air interview.

Not quite yet a sigh of relief, but it sounds as if we might finally have an opportunity to sit down, speak with and engage with the City of Boise.

Be ever positive with one another and everyone else who is a non-flyer.

We pilots know that we participate in a non-motorized, open space and geographically dependent activity that is compatible with the City of Boise's desires. Through first hand experience at the Crow when vultures join us at the ridge, or red-tails hook up with us in a thermal or when deer or antelope pay us no more mind than a skyward glance then turn back to grazing on bunch-grasses we know that there is no substantiated reason to exclude us from the air.

What a wonderful world and time we live in - when we humans can soar wing-tip to wing-tip with the "real" pilots of the world.

Still, nothing is known. Things can change daily. Hold together. Hold the high ground. Be a positive force in the world.

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